Are You Ready To Powerfully Reinvent Your Life?

Reinvention is about letting go of what’s no longer working in your life and stepping into the essence of who you really are.

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Transform Your Aspirations into Realities with Reinvention Coaching

Whether it’s a personal crisis, the current state of the world or simply a whisper inside reminding you that there must be more . . . you’ve likely been contemplating a change but aren’t sure if you’re really ready.

I get it. 

Life feels like it keeps slipping by as you watch others grab hold of their dreams.

So, where do you start?
How do you find the courage and confidence to take the first steps?

Ways To Work Together

1:1 Recovery Coaching

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Recovery coaching is a professional relationship that supports and guides those that are considering or are in recovery. My approach is holistic and through my life experiences I will guide you on the path of attaining greater ease in your life around addiction. This is a private journey where I will take you by the hand and guide you through a deeply transformational experience one-on-one. You will work through your specific personal challenges and move beyond even the stickiest blocks and fears that have been limiting your capacity to thrive.

Reinvention Coaching

Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, find greater confidence, leave a dead-end job or stop feeling like you have to people-please just to be liked - coaching can help you quickly move past your fears and live the life of your dreams. Reinvention coaching is all about connecting to the you you’ve forgotten exists. When you rediscover who you’ve meant to be all along, you’ll begin to live a more authentic and joyful life.

“Michael has been guiding me through meditation for over 2 years. His dedication to his practice has helped me immensely in my focus, positivity, clarity, centeredness and sobriety. His down to earth and encouraging energy has made incorporating meditation such a wonderful bonus to my life. The beautiful mantras and movements he has introduced me to are an invaluable addition to my meditation practice, and his way of teaching them only reinforces his own contagious love for his craft and expertise. I highly recommend working with Michael and look forward to our weekly sessions with joy!”

- Allison

Michael Malamed Recovery Coaching

Hi, I’m Michael!

I’m a reinvention coach and recovery coach and I help guide my clients in dismantling the blocks that hold them back from experiencing greater freedom and purpose in their life.

My mission is to reach people where they are at, connect them to source, and inspire a new way to thrive in life.

Some years back, I discovered the work of best-selling author and Master Life Coach, Nancy Levin. Nancy’s work transformed my life and gave me the courage to be the person I am today (not to mention the life coach certification I proudly hold as a Reinvention Coach). 

Her Transformation Equation to support reinventing your life with intention is…

Change = Vision + Choice + Action 

And as simple as it sounds, the hardest part of implementing the transformation equation is actually starting - because you have to move past the stories you tell yourself and overcome the beliefs that prevent real, measurable action.

"Yoga is the practice of coming into the present moment. Recovery is the same thing." - Tommy Rosen

I’ll Partner With You To Help You Achieve Your Goals

Schedule A Discovery Call

Coaching begins with a free discovery call to give you the experience of being coached and see if we’re a fit! This 60 minute session will help you map out a clear path for change.

Imagine New Possibilities

Using the transformation framework, I’ll guide you to release fears and doubts and uncover a more confident you - ready to take action and carve out new possibilities!

Rediscover You

Reinvention Coaching is all about connecting to the you you’ve forgotten exists. When you rediscover who you’ve meant to be all along, you’ll begin to live a more authentic and joyful life.

Rediscover Your Best Life by Reconnecting to Who You Were Always Meant to Be.

Schedule your FREE discovery call with me today!

Email me at